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Company Information

Headquartered in Texas, USA, XIA & HE PUBLISHING INC. is committed to providing timely, unrestricted access to research in the field of biomedicine. We are actively seeking collaborations with hospitals, institutions, and individuals to initiate publication of biomedical journals. Please contact us at service@xiahepublishing.com.

Mission Statement

As the publisher of topical English language journals on all aspects of biomedical research, our goal at XIA & HE PUBLISHING INC. is a wide readership, global distribution, and the highest reputation for integrity. So that scientists and clinicians can continue to improve human health, we are committed to introducing any innovation that will help researchers share information in an interdisciplinary and timely manner.

As an example, the journal Exploratory Research and Hypothesis in Medicine provides a platform for communicating the exploratory stages of cutting-edge biomedical research, which is often over looked by mainstream medical journalism.

At XIA & HE PUBLISHING INC., our journals adhere to an open-access peer-review model. This policy assists distribution across geopolitical boundaries, facilitates productive interactions between authors and readers, and promotes the practical application of published information.

Furthermore, the journals we publish support the goals of translational medicine, making the results of basic research quickly accessible to the clinical community. This ensures that the latest proven findings regarding disease prevention, diagnosis, and therapies are widely communicated, and facilitates timelier testing in a clinical setting.

Upholding the integrity of the scientific process is a primary goal at XIA & HE PUBLISHING INC., including all aspects related to the publication of scientific findings. An important part of this effort is peer review and education regarding the scientific process, achieved through workshops, lectures, and our editorial interactions with authors.