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Publications > Journals > Exploratory Research and Hypothesis in Medicine

Editors-in-Chief :

Prof. Lanjing Zhang
Department of Pathology, Princeton Medical Center/Rutgers University
Plainsboro, USA

Dr. Christopher Brooks
R&D Department, Stemline Therapeutics, Inc.
New York, USA

ERHM Metrics (2024)
Acceptance rate: 34%
Median time from submission to first decision: 25 days
Median time from acceptance to online publishing: 33 days

Aims and scope

Exploratory Research and Hypothesis in Medicine (ERHM) publishes original exploratory research articles and state-of-the-art reviews that focus on novel findings and the most recent scientific advances that support new hypotheses in medicine, with an emphasis on epidemiology, infectious diseases, cancers, cardiovascular diseases, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. 

The journal accepts a wide range of topics, including innovative diagnostic and therapeutic modalities as well as insightful theories related to the practice of medicine. The exploratory research published in ERHM does not necessarily need to be comprehensive and conclusive, but the study design must be solid, the methodologies must be reliable, the results must be true, and the hypothesis must be rational and justifiable with evidence.

ERHM welcomes and encourages article submission of original exploratory research as well as novel and timely state-of-the-art full reviews, mini-reviews, and opinion articles from leading scientists and scholars around the world. Topics of particular interest include but are not limited to:

  • New methods and concepts in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of disease
  • Novel discoveries in all diseases and disease mechanisms
  • Risk and prognostic factors of diseases
  • Changes in clinical paradigms and treatment approaches
  • Cutting-edge technologies that can help improve scientific understanding
  • Preliminary findings that may change current thinking in a particular field

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NEWS Exploratory Research and Hypothesis in Medicine Now Indexed in Scopus 19 Feb