研究2020年中国医院和公共卫生单位在高分期刊上(《期刊引用报告》中影响因子大于等于10的期刊,即JCR IF2019≥10)的论文发表情况。
在PubMed数据库中搜索中国医院和中国公共卫生单位从2020年1月1日至2020年12月31日在高分期刊上发表的文章,分析其影响因子分布、专业分布、发表量前十的期刊、IF2019前十期刊论文数量和中国10分以上期刊论文数量,同时进一步分析了四大医学期刊(即New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Lancet and British Medical Journal (BMJ))和CNS期刊(即Cell, Nature和Science)等顶级期刊上论文的情况。
Analysis of high impact articles published by authors from Chinese hospitals and public health units in 2020
To study the articles published in high-impact journals [Journal Citation Report Impact factor (IF)2019≥10] by authors from Chinese hospitals and public health units in 2020.
Articles published by authors from Chinese hospitals and Chinese public health units in high-impact journals from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 were searched in PubMed database. Distribution of IFs for the articles, type of research fields, top 10 journals that published mostly articles, the number of articles published in the top 10 journals with highest IF2019 and the number of articles in Mainland Chinese journals with IF2019≥10 were analyzed. At the same time, the articles in the top four popular general medical journals (New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Lancet and British Medical Journal (BMJ)) and Cell, Nature, and Science (CNS) were further analyzed.
The total number of articles published by authors from Chinese hospitals and public health units in 2020 were 5348 and 816, respectively. There were 11.6% and 21.8% of the articles published in journals with IF > 25, mainly in the research fields of cell biology and multidisciplinary sciences. IF2019 of the top 10 journals that published most Chinese articles were lower than 20. The proportions of these Chinese articles published by the top 10 journals were very low, which were less than 7% of the total numbers of articles published in these journals. Authors from Chinese hospitals and public health units had published papers in the four popular general medical journals and CNS, and the number of these articles were accounted for 0.9%–6.9% and 0.4%–1.9% of the total number of articles published in these journals, respectively. More than 50% of articles published on four popular general medical journals and CNS were collaborative researches, and most of them were international collaborations. Nearly 1/3 and 1/2 of articles published by authors from Chinese hospitals and public health units on four popular general medical journals and CNS were COVID-19 related articles, respectively. However, the proportions were less than 10% of the total number of COVID-19 related articles published in these journals.
The number of articles published in top journals by authors from Chinese hospitals and public health units in 2020 is small, which need to be further improved. The proportion of COVID-19 related articles published in top journals is small, indicating that the sensitivity of Chinese researchers to research focus needs to be strengthened.