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  • 裴磊
Medical Research & Publication   2023;9(4):118-123

doi: 10.14218/MRP.2023.12061

Published online:

 Author information

作为科研人员,若自己发表的论文被期刊撤回,个人学术声誉乃至职业生涯都会遭到严重影响,甚至致命打击。例如论文被撤,尤其因学术不端行为被撤,研究人员的科研生涯都可能因此终结,并且会成为一生无法抹去的污点。而今天的主人公,癌症研究者Mostafa Jarahian博士,在短短一天内失去了9篇论文,这对他来说是难以接受的。而导致该结果的原因是Frontiers出版社最近正在清理“出售作者署名”的论文,而他的9篇文章正好在该清理计划的名单中。他告诉Retraction Watch记者,他和他的合作者将会迅速采取法律行动,对出版社提起诉讼(图1)。

Retraction Watch报道癌症研究者Mostafa Jarahian因9篇论文被撤稿将起诉出版社的事件
(截图来自Cancer researcher with nine retractions says he’ll take publisher to court – Retraction Watch).
图1   Retraction Watch报道癌症研究者Mostafa Jarahian因9篇论文被撤稿将起诉出版社的事件
(截图来自Cancer researcher with nine retractions says he’ll take publisher to court – Retraction Watch).


(Frontiers implements new policy to counter ‘Authorship-for-sale’-Science 
& research news | Frontiers, frontiersin.org).
图2   Frontiers出版社将采取新的政策应对涉嫌售卖作者署名论文的问题
(Frontiers implements new policy to counter ‘Authorship-for-sale’-Science 
& research news | Frontiers, frontiersin.org).


 电子邮件中包含的一份初稿撤回通知称:德国癌症研究中心与编辑部联系,称作者Mostafa Jarahian并非其工作人员(截图来自Cancer researcher with nine retractions says he’ll take publisher to court – Retraction Watch).
图3   电子邮件中包含的一份初稿撤回通知称:德国癌症研究中心与编辑部联系,称作者Mostafa Jarahian并非其工作人员(截图来自Cancer researcher with nine retractions says he’ll take publisher to court – Retraction Watch).

当Jarhian博士还在DKFZ的毒理学与化疗研究小组工作时,该小组的领导者Martin R. Berger得知撤稿消息后,给出版商Frontiers发了一封邮件,对撤稿提出了质疑。Berger指出,Jarhian博士自2001年开始在DKFZ工作,直到2017年加入了他的研究小组,并在2020年离开。这9篇被撤稿的文章是在2021年投稿的,分别在当年或2022年正式发表。


“As I understand the situation, the only allegation, which is correct, is that the article(s) under concern was (were) labelled with his old affiliation. On the other hand, there is some period after leaving an institution, during which it is normal to use the old affiliation, as the work originated and was carried out there. In addition, during the period in question, Dr. Jarahian did not have a new position / new employer. In this situation, he used his private email address, which clearly differs from official DKFZ email addresses.”

“根据我对情况的了解,唯一正确的指控是所涉及的文章标注了他的原单位。但是,在离开一个机构后的一段时间内,使用原来的单位是正常的,因为工作是在那里开始和进行的。此外,在此期间,Jarahian 博士没有新的职位/新的单位。在这种情况下,他使用了自己的私人电子邮件地址,这显然不同于 DKFZ 的官方电子邮件地址。”

“Finally, the science of the article(s) is not being disputed. In addition, the co-authors have not been involved in any accusation regarding science integrity. Therefore, it does not seem appropriate, to harm all authors because of a minor mistake of one author. If you deem it necessary to establish justice in this regard, I suggest that you allow Dr. Jarahian to write a short erratum.”

“最后,文章的科学性没有受到质疑。此外,共同作者也未涉及任何有关科学诚信的指控。因此,因为一位作者的小错误而损害所有作者的利益似乎并不合适。如果您认为有必要在这方面公正裁决,我建议您允许 Jarahian 博士写一份简短的勘误。”

“If you can follow this suggestion, you would solve the underlying problem with distinction and grace and avoid the punishment of many co-authors. In the case, in which a PhD is pending on a publication, this would seem clearly unfair and exaggerated.”


而Frontiers的一位发言人告诉Retraction Watch记者,出版商坚持现在的决定,并表示迄今为止没有收到任何Jarahian博士对Frontiers提起法律诉讼的迹象。撤稿决定是Frontiers诚信研究团队进行彻底调查的结果。对于关于“出售作者署名”的担忧是通过PubPeer提出的,这是一个有效的社区反馈来源,涉及到了Jarahian博士的多篇论文的广告。同一作者团队在其他地方发表的文章中也出现了与作者身份相关的问题。


  • Jarahian博士已不再是其员工(任期于2020年2月结束);

  • DKFZ不知道任何有关这九篇文章的情况,所有这些文章都是在2021年提交和发表的;

  • Frontiers将自己调查的细节与国际出版伦理委员会(COPE)共享。委员会随后确认Frontiers遵循了与COPE期望一致的适当流程,以评估质疑并更正已发表的记录。


 经过查找,上面这家名为Science Publisher的公司存在“广告位招租”现象
(截图来自Publication support, science-publisher.org).
图4   经过查找,上面这家名为Science Publisher的公司存在“广告位招租”现象
(截图来自Publication support, science-publisher.org).
(图片数据来自PubPeer官网PubPeer - Search publications and join the conversation).
图5   根据打假学者爆料涉嫌在某互联网平台上售卖作者署名的论文统计表可以在PubPeer上找到
(图片数据来自PubPeer官网PubPeer - Search publications and join the conversation).



对于这次事件,首先要肯定Frontiers的打击论文署名售卖行为。它不仅积极调查,而且在发现问题后,坚决撤回了涉嫌问题的文章。这种坚决的态度,对于维护科研领域的诚信环境,起到了积极的示范作用。但如果Jarhian博士和他的研究小组领导人Martin R. Berger所言属实,那么,撤稿与否应该谨慎处理,因为研究者离开原单位但仍以原单位署名发表在原单位取得的研究成果是学术界广泛接受的,也是对原单位知识产权的尊重和保护。



  1. Cancer researcher with nine retractions says he’ll take publisher to court – Retraction Watch. Available from: https://retractionwatch.com/2023/10/25/cancer-researcher-with-nine-retractions-says-hell-take-publisher-to-court/ View Article PubMed/NCBI
  2. Frontiers implements new policy to counter ‘Authorship-for-sale’ - Science & research news | Frontiers (frontiersin.org). Available from: https://www.frontiersin.org/news/2023/09/04/frontiers-implements-new-policy-to-counter-authorship-for-sale/ View Article PubMed/NCBI