Xia & He journals uphold rigorous standards for quality. Every article we publish undergoes strict peer review.
When the editorial office receives a new submission, the manuscript is given an identification number. The editorial staff then conducts an initial assessment of the manuscript to determine its topical relevance, adherence to the formatting guidelines, and absence of plagiarism in both textual and scientific content.
If the manuscript passes this initial assessment, it is forwarded to an academic editor with appropriate expertise in the subject area or study design. The academic editor is responsible for identifying at least 2 external peer reviewers with expertise in the topic or specialty of the paper. After a peer reviewer has accepted the manuscript, 15 days (with a short grace period allowed for extenuating circumstances) is allotted for completion of the peer review evaluation. Upon return of the 2 peer reviews, the academic editor will make a reasoned recommendation for acceptance (full, with minor revisions, or with major revisions) or rejection and provide it to the Editor-in-Chief who makes the editorial decision. The authors then revise the paper, as needed, based on the reviewers’ comments and editorial comments.
After the authors submit their revision, the manuscript undergoes another peer-review, or it will be sent to the Editor-in-Chief for a final decision, if appropriate. If the paper is accepted, the preparation stage for publication then begins.