Step 1: Upon submission, the editorial staff will perform an initial assessment of the manuscript to determine its topical relevance, adherence to the formatting guidelines, and absence of plagiarism related to both textual and scientific content. Step 2: If the manuscript passes the initial assessment, it is forwarded to a triage editor with appropriate expertise in the subject area and/or study design. The triage editor conducts manuscript triage to recommend whether it should proceed to peer review or be rejected promptly. If immediate rejection is recommended, the recommendation is submitted to the Editor-in-Chief for final approval. Step 3: If the manuscript passes the triage screening, the triage editor will identify at least 2 external peer reviewers with expertise in the topic/specialty. Step 4: After a peer reviewer has accepted the manuscript, 14 days (with a short grace period allowed for extenuating circumstances) is allotted for completion of the peer review evaluation. Step 5: Upon return of the two peer reviews, the triage editor will make a reasoned recommendation for acceptance (full, with minor revisions, or with major revisions) or rejection and provide it to the Editor-in-Chief who makes the final decision.
Step 6: Manuscripts that are accepted with revision are allotted a 2-month period in which to return the revised version, which is to be accompanied by a Response Letter that clearly outlines the specific issues addressed in the manuscript. Papers that are returned without addressing every comment made by the reviewers and/or the editor will be rejected. Step 7: Papers that required minor revisions will be re-assessed by the Editor-in-Chief, who will make the final decision for acceptance or rejection. Papers that required major revisions will be sent back to the original peer reviewers for further assessment and recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief who will make the final decision. Step 8: If a paper is accepted, it will progress into the preparation stage for publication, the first step of which is copy editing and figure editing (if necessary) followed by typesetting. Step 9: Proofs will be delivered to authors for confirmation. Step 10: The articles will be published in PDF and HTML formats online in the next issue of the journal. |