小编在上一篇文章中为大家介绍了Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases, British Journal of Radiology,Cancer Letters和Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology这四本杂志的特殊要求。本期将继续参考2021年JCR报告,从发表周期,影响因子,收稿类型等方面,为大家重点介绍Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine期刊的特殊要求。
五、Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine,0007-4888
2021年IF (2022 JCR报告): 0.737
发表周期:12 issues/year
投稿网址:邮箱投稿:[email protected]; [email protected]
总结:该杂志是一本著名的双语生物医学杂志,由两本期刊组成,Byulleten Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny和Kletochnye Tekhnologii v Biologii i Meditsine,在俄罗斯科学界受到高度赞赏。Springer出版社出版,收稿生理学、生物化学、生物物理学、药理学、免疫学、微生物学、遗传学、肿瘤学等相关领域稿件。收稿类型包括Original research papers and brief reports。
按照The template of cover letter from the organization模板形式准备Cover Letter,需要所有作者单位盖章和领导签名,不仅仅是第一单位盖章和领导签名;Cover Letter is a document of submission from the organization. These letters should be written from all the organizations (by the director of the organization or a representative).
参考文献,2000年之后,不超过15条; The alphabetical list of references (no more than 15 items published after 2000).
正文部分+table不超过6页,每页1800个字符,包括空格在内,即总共不超过10800个字符;The size of MS with tables should not surpass 6 standard pages (1,800 character each including the spaces).
不超过3张图片,但是一张组合图不能多于6个子图;No more than 3 figures can be supplied (each can consist of no more than 6 fragments).
不超过3个表格;No more than 3 tables should contain only necessary research data given in generalized and statistically processed form.
文章最后所有作者手写签名;需提供通讯作者名字,地址,联系方式,邮箱;At the end of MS, it should be signed by all authors. Their complete family names, the first names, and patronymic names are presented in Russian and in English. The address, telephone number, and email of the corresponding author should also be given.
需要签订表格Consent to Publish,通讯作者手写拼音签名。
对于上述杂志的特殊要求,我们看投稿须知的时候多留意,可以避免不必要的踩雷。以上是和大家分享的Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine期刊的特殊要求,希望对正在投稿的您有所帮助。后面将与大家分享SCI投稿特殊要求系列(三),欢迎大家持续关注!