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Research Article

A Multiprotein Complex Consisting of the Cellular Coactivator p300, AP-1/ATF, as well as NF-κB IS Responsible for the Activation of the Mouse Major Histocompatibility Class I (H-2Kb) Enhancer A

Dieter Brockmann, Brigitte M. Pützer, Kai S. Lipinski, Ulla Schmücker, Helmut Esche

Published online: January 1, 1999

[ ] [ PDF Pages: 1-18 ] [ Google Scholar ]


E1A + cHa-ras Transformed Rat Embryo Fibroblast Cells Are Characterized by High and Constitutive DNA Binding Activities of AP-1 Dimers With Significantly Altered Composition

Tatiana V. Pospelova, Alexander V. Medvedev, Alexander N. Kukushkin, Svetlana B. Svetlikova, Alex J. van der Eb, Josephine C. Dorsman, Valery A. Pospelov

Published online: January 1, 1999

[ ] [ PDF Pages: 19-32 ] [ Google Scholar ]


Autonomously Binding Protein Detected on ets Box of c-fos Serum Response Element in Proliferating Cells

Hiroshi Masutani, Laura Magnaghi-Jaulin, Regina Groisman, Slimane Ait-Si-Ali, Philippe Robin, Linda L. Pritchard, Annick Harel-Bellan

Published online: January 1, 1999

[ ] [ PDF Pages: 33-42 ] [ Google Scholar ]


Functional Analysis of the Ume3p/Srb11p-RNA Polymerase II Holoenzyme Interaction

Katrina F. Cooper, RANDY STRICH

Published online: January 1, 1999

[ ] [ PDF Pages: 43-57 ] [ Google Scholar ]


SM-20 Is a Novel Growth Factor-Responsive Gene Regulated During Skeletal Muscle Development and Differentiation

Maria C. Moschella, Keon Menzies, Lana Tsao, Mark A. Lieb, Jhumku D. Kohtz, D. Stave Kohtz, Mark B. Taubman

Published online: January 1, 1999

[ ] [ PDF Pages: 59-66 ] [ Google Scholar ]


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