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Indexing & Archiving
All articles published in GE are included in:
  • Web of Science Coverage:
    Biological Abstracts
    Biosis Previews

  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
  • Chemical Abstracting Services
  • EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS)
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Scholar
  • ISI
  • J-Gate
  • Medline (1991-2021)
  • OCLC
  • PubMed Central (PMC) (1991-2021)
  • Primo Central
  • ProQuest
  • Scopus
  • WorldCat Discovery Services
  • CJWK

The full text of all articles is deposited in the following digital archives to guarantee long-term digital preservation.


In addition, authors publishing with GE are encouraged to post the published articles on their website, institutional repository or other free public server immediately following publication.
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